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Learn about courses, in a wide range of fields at a variety of institutions, where principles and resources from Project TIER have been used to teach transparent research methods.

Course syllabi, exercises, project instructions and other course documents are available for download.

Research Integrity and Responsible Scholarship

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
sociology library graduate
S_RIRS 600, Summer 2021
Instructor: René Bekkers

The course provides a safe space to discuss research integrity dilemmas and violations, ethics revi…

Research Integrity and Responsible Scholarship

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

S_RIRS 600, Summer 2021
Instructor: René Bekkers

The course provides a safe space to discuss research integrity dilemmas and violations, ethics review guidelines in faculty, national and European laws and regulations. Students will explore the terrain of scientific integrity and research quality, and discuss violations of integrity, sloppy science and questionable research practices. Students will learn about proper data collection and storage; handling and analysis of data; reliable and verifiable research practices, open science, impartiality, independence and norms on co-authorship. Students will discuss standards of good practice in interaction with societal stakeholders.

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Open Science: The New Default in Science

Eindhoven University of Technology
library graduate
Research Data Management, Spring 2019
Instructor: Leon Osinski

This course is taught by the library and designed for Ph.D. students. It is a component of a larger…

Open Science: The New Default in Science

Eindhoven University of Technology

Research Data Management, Spring 2019
Instructor: Leon Osinski

This course is taught by the library and designed for Ph.D. students. It is a component of a larger section on Open Science required as part of the university’s general training program for Ph.D. students. In this course, the TIER Documentation Protocol is taught as an organizational principle for research data and affiliated objects. Course participants find the Protocol structure helpful for their work.

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