Presentations & Workshops
Ball, Richard & Mendez-Carbajo, Diego
Conference on Reproducibility and Replicability in Economics and the Social Sciences
Southern Economic Association 92nd Annual Meeting
Should teaching reproducibility be a part of undergraduate education or curriculum?
Fort Lauderdale, FL, November 19, 2022

Ball, Richard, Guardia, Fernando Hoces de la & Brodeur, Abel
BITSS Open Research Seminar
The Life Cycle of a Reproduction: from Ex Ante Documentation to Ex Post Reproduction and Beyond
Virtual, October 4, 2022
Ball, Richard & Medeiros, Norm
Replicating Empirical Studies in Economics: A Young Scholars Initiative webinar
Two Sides of the Replication Coin: Ex Post Reproduction and Ex Ante Documentation
Virtual, September 15, 2022
Ex Post Replication and Ex Ante Documentation
Domingos, Amanda
Protocolo TIER: Um Mapa Para a Transparência e Replicabilidade
Treinamento Brasileiro de Pesquisa Aberta
Virtual, May 24, 2022
Lafferty-Hess, Sophia
An Introduction to Reproducible Research Practices
Duke University, February 22, 2022

Platt, Matthew
HPC University
Advanced Computing for Social Change Curriculum
Webinar, August 5, 2021
Presentation: A Brief Treatise on Punch-Ducking
Karreth, Johannes
2021 ICPSR Summer Program
Applied Bayesian Modeling
Virtual, May 17-28, 2021
Marwick, Ben & Wang, Liying
Society for American Archaeology
2021 Annual Meeting
San Francisco, CA, April 15-17, 2021
Teaching Integrity in Empirical Archaeology

Harper, Sam
Society for Epidemiologic Research
2020 Annual Meeting
Virtual, October 30, 2020
Reproducible Research in Epidemiology: Why and How
Moore, Kara (organizer)
Society for Improvement of Psychological Science
2020 Annual Meeting
Virtual, June 22-23, 2020
Curriculum Writing: Developing Soup-to-Nuts Exercises for Students in Conducting Transparent and Reproducible Analyses
Young, Danielle
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Preconference to the 2020 SPSP Convention
New Orleans, February 27-29, 2020
Teaching Transparency, Reproducibility, and Replication in Psychological Science
Becker, Megan
American Political Science Association
2019 Annual Meetings
Washington, DC, August 30, 2019
Replicating the Resource Curse: Ross (2004) and Qualitative Replication
DuPre, Elizabeth
Neuroimagers Workshop: BIDS & the TIER Protocol
McGill University, April 26, 2019
Lafferty-Hess, Sophia
Building Blocks for Reproducibility:The TIER Protocol
Duke University, November 14, 2018
Underwood, Anthony (organizer). Underwood; Marshall, Emily; Vera, David; Wang Sonne, Elise; Ball, Richard
American Economic Association, Committee on Education
2018 Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education (CTREE)
San Antonio, TX, May 31, 2018
Promoting Transparency in Undergraduate Empirical Research
Leeper, Thomas
Reproducibility with Git and Rmarkdown
April 5, 2018
Arguillas, Florio
Yale University, Institution for Social and Policy Studies
New Haven, CT, March 2, 2018
Making Research Transparent and Reproducible
Arguillas, Florio; Christian, Thu-Mai; Peer, Limor
Digital Curation Center
13th International Digital Curation Conference
Barcelona, Spain, February 19-22, 2018
Curating for Reproducibility: Producing High Quality Data and Code for Transparent and Reproducible Research
Leeper, Thomas
Reproducibility with Git and Rmarkdown
January 30, 2018
Marshall, Emily & Underwood, Anthony
National Economics Teaching Association
13th Annual Economics Teaching Conference
Indianapolis, IN, November 9-10, 2017
Presentation: Writing in the Discipline and Reproducible Methods: A Process-Oriented Approach to Teaching Empirical Undergraduate Economics Research
Lins, Rodrigo
Noveno Congreso Latinoamericano (9th Latin American Congress)
Montevideo, Uruguay, July 26-28, 2017
Determinantes da insatisfação com a democracia na América Latina, 2001-2015 (Determinants of Dissatisfaction with Democracy in Latin America, 2001-2015)
Halliday, Simon (organizer); Halliday; O'Hara, Michael; Swoboda, Aaron
American Economic Association, Committee on Education
2017 Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education (CTREE)
Denver, CO, June 1, 2017
Efficient Empiricism: Streamlining Teaching, Research and Learning in Empirical Courses
McNamara, Amelia
International Biometric Society, Eastern North American Region
Washington, DC, March 12-17, 2017
Data Science for Statisticians
Wang Sonne, Elise
Research Transparency Workshops in Cameroon, South Africa, and the UK
February 22, 2017
Holcombe, Alex
Open science SARMAC workshop
January 3, 2017
Broman, Karl; Çetinkaya-Rundel, Mine; Baumer, Benjamin
ASA-MAA Joint Committee, Statistical Education Section, Statistical Learning and Data Science Section
Webinar, November 16, 2016
Teaching Reproducible Research: Inspiring New Researchers To Do More Robust and Reliable Science
Wang Sonne, Elise
OpenCon 2016
Washington, DC, November 11-16, 2016
Presentation: What Works to Foster the Adoption of Openness and Transparency Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa: Soziac Elise Wang Sonne - Research Evaluation Panel, Part 4
O'Hara, Michael
American Economic Association, Committee on Education
2016 Conference on Teaching & Research in Economic Education (CTREE)
Atlanta, GA, June 1-3, 2016
Reproducibility as a Pedagogical Strategy: TIER Without Tears
Crosas, Merce
CENDI, National Federation of Advanced Information Services, and the Research Data Alliance
The Future of the Commons: Data, Software and Beyond
Washington, DC, November 18, 2015
The Dataverse Commons