
TIER Faculty Fellowships

Fellows contributed leadership and expertise to Project TIER's ongoing efforts in curriculum development and outreach

Six cohorts of TIER Faculty Fellows served from 2015/16 through 2020/21. Information about the previous Fellows is available on our people pages.

2021 Spring Symposium: Instruction in Reproducible Research

A ten-part virtual event exploring the educational purposes of teaching students transparent and reproducible methods of quantitative data analysis.

Hosted in collaboration with the Sheffield Methods Institute and the UK Reproducibility Network. Keynote presentations were be given by Nicole Janz (International Relations, University of Nottingham) and Nick Horton (Mathematics and Statistics, Amherst College)

2020 Spring Symposium: Leaders in research Transparency

A nine-part virtual series of presentations delivered by leading individuals in reproducibility efforts.

Leaders in research transparency discussed their latest thinking on how to make statistical research open, reproducible, and credible.

On-Demand Instructional Sessions

Past instructional sessions provided by Project TIER.